※This article was written for the blog administrator’s English language study.I would be happy to know if there are any words or expressions that should not be used.
The other day, while driving on the Metropolitan Highway with my family in the car, a child in the back seat farted.
This was unbearable, so I opened all the windows.
After a short period of ventilation, I operated the switch to close the window, but the driver’s side rear window was completely unresponsive.
The worst situation is on the highway, of all places, with the windows fully open.
Thank God it wasn’t raining at the time.
Fortunately, the rear window of the car was still slightly visible even with the window fully open, so I instructed the child to pull the glass up by hand.
The window could be closed by pulling the window up by hand and operating the switch at the same time.
I have had a number of experiences with stuck windows in my past cars. And on one occasion, after a while, the motor broke completely and had to be replaced.
However, if it is still an early symptom, it is possible to prolong the life of the car with maintenance.
So I cleaned the door belt mouldings that might be blocking the window movement.
Somehow, on the driver’s side only, both front and rear seats, there is a lot of debris on the door belt moulding.
At any rate, after removing the debris and applying silicon spray on a cotton swab, the window’s work without any problems.
However, the door belt moulding has deteriorated considerably and is not adhering to the window. I suspect this is hardly fulfilling its waterproofing function.
It looks like I should replace the door belt moulding in the near future.