DIY replacement of moss on door belt moulding on my Landcruiser 70.


There was a recent incident where the rear seat window would not close. After checking the cause, it was found that the door belt moulding had deteriorated considerably.

It has moss growing on it and the rubber is deteriorating. Furthermore, there is no adhesion to the glass. It is in the worst possible condition, with dirt and debris allegedly interfering with the operation of the glass.

When I looked online, I couldn’t find any information on the landcruiser70.

However, after consulting information from people who had replaced it on a landcruiser80, I decided that it would not be too difficult to deal with the problem as a DIY project.

ordered parts

This part was also ordered from the dealer.

8,712 for all four parts.

They were in stock and received within a few days of ordering.

※Part numbers may change, so you need to check by name when ordering.

フロントドアガラスウェザストリップASSY OUT RH 68160-60020 2,178円
フロントドアガラスウェザストリップASSY OUT LH 68210-60020  2,178円
リアドアガラスウェザストリップASSY OUT RH 68180-60020  2,178円
リアドアガラスウェザストリップASSY OUT LH 68230-60020  2,178円

I quickly checked the parts and found that only clips are used to fix the car body. (Some car models use screws in combination)

The shape of the clip is complex.

However, it is only a plastic clip.

It’s not a big problem if I do badly and break it, so I’ve got the courage to take the plunge and work on it.

tools to use

The following tools are used in this work.

  • interior remover
  • vinyl tape
  • Phillips head screwdriver(Used to remove the la mirror.)
  • masking tape(Protecting the vehicle body)
  • Precision screwdriver(Used to remove clips left on the vehicle body.)

Curing the tip of the interior remover with vinyl tape to prevent damage to the car body.

Removal work

First, the car body should be cured with masking tape.

The front seat has a window that can be fully opened to allow a view of the clips inside. The clips are also installed in the new moulding, which also allows the position of the clips to be checked.

The front windows should be removed from the door mirrors as the area closer to the bonnet is shaded by the door mirrors.

The door mirrors can be removed by simply removing the two Phillips screws. I worked with the dangling door mirror, sparing myself the trouble of disconnecting the connectors. However, it is safe to disconnect the wiring connectors and shelter them somewhere, as they may scratch the vehicle body and damage the wiring.

Then start the process of removing the door belt moulding.

I inserted the interior stripper between the moulding and the body and lifted it upwards, and the moulding came off with a ‘click’ with less force than expected.

I in turn lifted the clipped position and was able to remove the braid without difficulty.

Of the four places where the same operation was carried out, four clips remained on the vehicle body, but these were easily removed by using a precision screwdriver to pry out the lower hooked part.

Only one clip was broken in this operation.

New ones come with clips, so it doesn’t matter how many you break.

The deterioration of the removed door belt moulding is noticeable when it is placed side by side with the new one.

It is the result of nearly eight years of parking in the open.

installation work

I cleaned the bodywork and glass before starting the installation work, as I had gone to the trouble of doing so.

When removed, the door (body side) has a hole for the tip of the clip to be inserted.。

The new set of clips are then perfectly aligned to that position.

When installing, just make sure that the tip of the clip goes into that hole and then press it down from above.

It clicks in once, but it seems to have a sweet bite there, so you have to push it in until it clicks in further.

The driver’s side and passenger side, four places in total, can be easily worked on without any particular problems.

It takes less than an hour to do the work, as it takes 10 minutes for each place.


The work can also be viewed on video.


So the work was completed smoothly and without any problems.

It was a very satisfying DIY maintenance job, as the moss and deterioration were gone and window regulator failure could have been prevented.

Next time in another 7-8 years?


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